Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is the most fool-proof acne treatment that doesn't over-dry the skin and works quickly?

I am a 30 yr old female with combination/oily skin. i have never had problems with acne in the past other than an occasional pimple here and there. i have tried neutrogena, which is said to be better than proactiv, but it doesn%26#039;t work, and it over dries my skin. i usually break out around my chin, and on either side of my nose. these originate from under the skin. i need a remedy. any dermatologists out there with suggestions? anyone? |||i%26#039;ve kept up with proactive for over two years and i think it is the best ever. i went from having 20 some pimples to like a few. Each skin is different and medcines work for some people and not others but i most definatly would suggest proactive if you havent already tried it. it might be expensive but to me it is worth it.||| you should try cediphil soap. it was once a doctor prescribed soap. now over the counter. try one bar, bet you it works. walmart= almost anywhere. it cost a little more, but last longer. use all of one bar,and most of all, with any soap. everyone in a household should have their own bar. never share bar soap with anyone. just like you don%26#039;t share a tooth brush. JIMMYG

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