Saturday, December 26, 2009

How long after acne treatment makes skin worse will it start to clear up?

It takes about a week or two....your skin is ust cleaning it self and getting used to the product.|||try visit this blog specialized in acne|||It depends which acne cream you%26#039;re using. I would recommend using tea tree oil, it%26#039;s all natural and it won%26#039;t make your acne worse before it gets better. The free book at explains it very well.|||a detailed plan of acne treatment is present on this site with many useful links try them|||Usually an acne treatment doesn%26#039;t make the skin worse. Why would you use an acne product that your skin obviously reacts to with an acne breakout? You%26#039;re breaking out because the acne product you%26#039;re using is damaging the skin. I would stop using it, let your skin recover, and use a weaker acne treatment.|||It depends what product you%26#039;re using.

My doctor gave me a prescription acne gel, and she told me to give it a few months. I know it sounds like a long time, but she was right. The first month I noticed slight improvement, then my skin really cleared up (:

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